It might feel like you blinked and summer was over, or perhaps you’ve been counting down the days for school to reopen! Whatever your situation, one thing for sure is that the kids need all our love and support this school year, as they navigate the next stage in their lives. To help you help them, we’ve compiled a selection of the best books to prepare your children for heading back to school.
Brand new pupils aged 0-7
Whether your littlest ones are getting to grips with pen control, practising their times tables, or exploring the wonderful world of phonics, we have a fantastic range of books to help them out.

Little learners aged 7-11
As children progress through primary school, they take on new subjects and tackle tasks that can sometimes even have the parents and guardians stumped! Check out our selection of KS2 study guides, SATs revision books, and more.

The big kids aged 11-16
The pre-teen and mid-teen kids navigating secondary school are going to be experiencing a rollercoaster of emotions as hormones hit! With lots of things out of their control, their education is one thing you can help them take into their own hands. We have a plethora of books designed for KS3 children, whether just starting their secondary education and preparing in advance for their national exams.

The GCSE takers
GCSEs can be extremely overwhelming, so it’s a great idea to stock up on study guides, revision books, and practice test books as soon as possible. Whether it’s a core subject GCSE, option subjects like Design and Tech or Geography, or even advanced Sciences, you’re likely to find the perfect companion books with us!

The A-Level students
From headstart study books to essential guides, and full A-level course revision and test books, we have a large selection. A-level students may be finishing up their education or just beginning their higher academic career, but what A-levels mean to you, getting the right resources is vital.

The BTEC students
Perhaps it’s actually the BTEC Nationals you’re working towards. The exams and assessments for these qualifications require many resources, and we want to alleviate the stress out of buying the books! We’ve put them all in one place.

Extra reading for all ages!
Of course, it’s important the read books outside of school curriculums as well! Explore our entire collection of new and second-hand books for kids of all ages. Whatever they’re into, we have the books for them.

What do you think of our best books for back to school? What are you preparing for this school year? Let us know in the comments below.
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