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book blog

General Chatter, Wob News

The Bestsellers of 2016

Bestsellers of 2016
What a year it’s been. There will be many who are happy to see the back of 2016, but we’re not here to talk doom and gloom. We’re here to talk about books. All the books.

Take a look at some of our bestselling titles of 2016 and see what’s missing from your collection. Continue Reading

General Chatter, Secret Librarian

Young Adult Fiction

Boy Reading

If you’re struggling to pull your child away from the electronics and encourage them to read more books, we can help. We’ve been speaking to our favourite Secret Librarian who has tried and tested hundreds of books over the last 10 years to entice more young adults into the literary world. Continue Reading

General Chatter

Are You a Book Hoarder?

If you’re reading this now, there’s a fair chance that you have a reasonable love of books. Maybe you have a sizable collection, perhaps only a few select titles, you might even have gone to the dark side and started building your own digital library on an e-reader (only kidding). Books are a part of our identity, entertaining and educating us in equal measure. Continue Reading

Author Interviews

Michael Morpurgo: “Animals, like children, aren’t in a position of power as we are as adults, and it is our duty to care for them”

Michael Morpurgo (OBE 2006, MBE, Children’s Laureate 2003-2005), was born 5th October 1943 in Hertfordshire. By the age of two Michael had been evacuated to Cumberland, only later moving back to London, and then to Essex. His book, The Butterfly Lion, suggests his unhappy experiences at one of the boarding schools he attended in these earlier years. At one stage Michael trained for the British Army at Sandhurst. Continue Reading